The traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a natural and holistic medicine, which treats the body, mind and soul together.

If the Qi can not flow freely through external and/or internal disharmonic forces, such as hotness, moistness, cold, anger, anxiety, sorrow, excessive labour, stress, poor nutrition etc., the harmonic equilibration will be destroyed. So, the body can become sick.

The theory of Yin und Yang is one of the basics of the TCM. According to Yin and Yang health is a harmonic state of equilibrium between the elemental power. If Yin and Yang are to be poised, the QI (Energy of life) flows evenly and harmoniously. This means only the physical health and the mental balance.

If the Qi can not flow freely through external and/or internal disharmonic forces, such as hotness, moistness, cold, anger, anxiety, sorrow, excessive labour, stress, poor nutrition etc., the harmonic equilibration will be destroyed. So, the body can become sick.

The diagnosis and treatment in TCM does not focus on an individual dysfunctional organ or a body part, but as a whole it considers the people and the environment where one lives.

Objective of a TCM-Therapy is to bring back Yin and Yang at equilibrium and the Qi to flow.